Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Lucky Dog!

Save the date! I'll have a piece in "Lucky Dog!", this year's Mascot Studio's Annual Dog Show in New York's artsy East Village on one of the nicest blocks in the neighborhood.

Opening with reception is on Feb. 14th, Valentine's Day, 7-9 pm! 

Mascot Studio's 13th Annual Dog Show opens Valentine's Day (and the night of Best in Show of the Westminster Kennel Club Show!) with a collection of our favorite artists, illustrators and photographers all in the "teacup-sized" gallery of Mascot Studio in the East Village.

The exhibit will feature the works of Anthony Freda (Lucky Dog Invite), Anne Watkins, Chris Buzelli, Katherine Streeter, Hadley Hooper, Ellen Weinstein, Jane O'Hara, Jo Chambers, Richard Haines, Meer Musa, Kelynn Alder, Scott Neary, Dan Romer, JooHee Yoon, June Moss, Peter McCaffrey and others, to be announced...
Cards and collectibles available.

Opening Reception, Valentine's Day, 7-9pm - The exhibit runs through March 31st, 2012.

c Anthony Freda, 2012. My piece is still in the making and will be presented at a later time.

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