I love to read your opinion and comments about these prototypes. Is this just Kitsch to you or would you consider using one of these at home? You can see more pictures of every model if you follow the link at the end of this post.

This is a project page about clocks, lamps and other objects of all kinds which use my small planet images and other of my processed imagery.

These items are not for sale, what you see here are just prototypes to figure out which way to go in a larger scale production. If you like to know more about the future products, I happily answer right here on Flickr mail. It might take some time for answering though since I travel a lot and don't always go on Flickr.

All of my different prototypes and more pictures of these ones can be found here on my Flickr set Little Planet Clocks & Lamps. In this set you will also find a link to the used picture. So click, move over and enjoy the show!